Camp Blue Spruce, a worry-free camp for kids with food allergies, is like any other sleepover summer camp EXCEPT the food is prepared without any of the top food allergens. Located in Banks, Oregon, just 30 miles from Portland, the camp is five days and nights, August 18 – 23, and is loaded with fun for boys and girls ages 9 to 14, including:
- Swimming
- Hiking
- Arts and Crafts
- Field Games
- Campfires
- And More . . .
The camp is free of the foods that cause more than 90% of allergic reactions, including: dairy, eggs, peanuts, tree nuts, fish, shellfish, wheat, soy, gluten and sesame.
To learn more and register, visit www.campbluespruce.org or “like” them on Facebook. You can also contact them at 503-726-8886 or info@campbluespruce.org.
And from their site:
"Camps are an excellent way for children to become independent, develop new friendships, learn about teamwork and grow as individuals. Unfortunately, it is very hard for a regular camp, often with hundreds of children, to ensure that children with food allergies are safe and eating healthy food.I can't wait until B is ready for sleep away camp - this will be perfect for her! If your child attended last year (or is going this year), leave me a comment and let me know. Also, if your child goes to sleep away camp, let me know how you worked with the camp to keep your child reaction free!
Kids attending Camp Blue Spruce will have a true camp experience without the worry and anxiety they experience daily with their food allergies. Camp Blue Spruce parents can be worry-free, too!2013 DatesCamp begins Sunday, August 18 at 4pm and ends after lunch Friday, August 23.Daily ProgramDays and nights at Camp Blue Spruce are filled with fun indoor and outdoor activities.
We have a swimming pool, a big playing field, and a creek. A professional Outdoor Educator teaches outdoor skills and leads hikes and other adventures.
We have a well-equipped art room with painting, ceramics and beading supplies. All art supplies are reviewed to ensure that they are safe for the children to use.
Kids can also enjoy fun music activities and cooking classes.
Each night there is an all-camp activity such as a campfire, a carnival, guest presentations, or a scavenger hunt.RequirementsBoys and girls with food allergies, ages 9 - 14, can attend the camp. Friends and siblings without food allergies can attend if there is space. Camp Blue Spruce can accommodate 56 children at a time.LodgingFor one week this summer, Gales Creek Camp - normally a camp for children with type 1 diabetes - is providing their lovely facility and their guidance to Camp Blue Spruce. Gales Creek, located near Banks, Oregon, less than 30 miles from Portland, has been hosting kids with diabetes since 1952. The camp has two large cabins - one for girls and one for boys. Each cabin sleeps 28 kids.CostThe tuition for one week of Camp Blue Spruce is $525.RegistrationJoin us for a fun-filled week at Camp Blue Spruce! Hurry, we only have room for 56 campers.
Register your camper now!"
Hum, you do have me thinking! My daughter is almost 10 and she just asked about sleep over camp.
I've always avoided that conversation like the plague...but maybe I should look into this?
Thanks for the heads up.
I wish I had been a little more together this year and planned out a camp for my daughter!
This looks wonderful1 My son is at that fun age of 15! Fun to be around but won't be caught dead at a camp.
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