Thursday, August 28, 2008

Happy Nie Nie Day to You.

This post has nothing to do with peanut allergy. It has to do with a fellow blogger who needs our help. I don't personally know Stephanie (Nie Nie) or Christian, but their story has moved me and I want you to know about it as well.

Last week Christian and Stephanie Nielson were in a very serious plane crash. They are a young couple with four children under the age of six. They are in critical condition. Stephanie has third degree burns covering 80% of her body and Christian has third degree burns over 30% of his body. The recovery will be very long and very expensive.

If you are able, please consider contributing to this fund that will go directly to the family.

Today, several websites are auctioning off items for their benefit. Go here to see the comprehensive list: .

Updates about Stephanie and Christian here:

If you can't donate or join in the auction, could you say a few words/prayers into the universe for these two (and their 4 children)? Anything can help.

1 comment:

Debbie said...

I have been following this story as well. It is sad, but inspiring and hopeful at the same time. An amazing family for sure!